How to find anyone's email address in 2 clicks

Did you know that you can find email addresses in 2 clicks thanks to email enrichment?

I'm introducing you to the PERFECT tool to find your prospects' professional emails: Dropcontact!

Even better, I'm introducing you to automating your prospecting and enriching your emails with Waalaxy! 🚀

You need a Business subscription on Waalaxy, and you're set!

And we say yes, yes, yes. 😎

00:00 Introduction

00:11 The principle of email enrichment

00:37 Enriching by database

01:02 Enrichment by semantics

01:41 Email Enrichment Tool: Dropcontact

01:47 Using Dropcontact without a subscription

02:03 Tuto: Email Enrichment on Waalaxy

02:29 Tuto: send leads to your CRM

02:43 Tuto: prospecting and enriching leads

03:14 Explanation of a Waalaxy campaign

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