[LIVE Q&A] Waalaxy: Still wasting time & energy manually managing your LinkedIn messages?

There's a better way!

Waalaxy Inbox has landed 👨‍🚀

With Waalaxy Inbox, you can:

🚀 Manage LinkedIn conversations on a user-friendly interface

🚀 Export data to your CRM

🚀 Schedule automatic follow-ups (very useful when a prospect asks to be contacted at a later date)

🚀 Create message templates (to respond to recurring questions faster)

🚀 Tag your prospects and filter with those tags

And so much more!

In this live, we'll be giving you all the details.

Don't forget to stick around for a Q&A, plus an exclusive Black Friday promo 🤑

Sign up here:

Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw
