Become an expert in automation - Waalaxy campaign (complete guide)

Check out our complete guide to the Waalaxy campaign, from launch to results. Become an expert in your prospecting automation with Karine's tips.

With Waalaxy, the #1 multichannel automation tool, learn how campaigns work in depth. 😍

Less than 10 minutes to become an expert in the field, how about it? 🚀

Here are the links Karine talks about:

👉 Limits' article: Video on auto-imports: Statistical study: the program:

- Finding the perfect sequence

- How the Waalaxy queue works

- Waalaxy's randomized quotas

- Deciphering the Waalaxy campaign

- Analyze the results of your Waalaxy campaign

And tadam, you're officially an expert! 😎

00:00 Introduction

00:23 Find the sequence of your choice

01:03 The limits in Waalaxy

01:29 How the queue and quotas work

02:14 Use case: the actions of a multi-step campaign

03:05 Priority of actions: Multiple active campaigns

03:35 Deciphering campaigns (after launch)

05:04 Filtering leads in your campaign

05:39 Export your leads data in CSV

05:46 Results of a campaign

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