Andrew Tate & Dan Klein on Escaping the Matrix that Enslave Humanity

Dan Klein has been taking people out of the matrix since 2014. 7000 students have gone through his coaching program where you learn how to make money on the internet by setting up websites that generate leads for small businesses. It's one of the most powerful online business models out there. To check it out go here: politics is the tool of the elites to pull the wool over the eyes of the masses so that they don't look deeper into things.

When you can emotionally trigger someone, you cast a spell on their consciousness so that their awareness is now stuck in the unconscious battle with the ghosts of their past traumas.

It's now impossible to look at reality objectively. It's now viewed through the lens of one's unique emotional imprint.

The mass media's go-to move is to immediately castigate anyone that goes against their agenda as a racist, misogynist, conspiracy theorist, homophobic, etc

It's the easiest trigger because it immediately becomes personal.

3 dimensional thinking is what is required to look beyond the veil and see the massive Chess moves being played out to take society down a certain path that does not have our collective best interest at heart.

Andrew Tate speaks too much truth, and his influence has gotten too large. You cannot have both in this world. Therefore, his deplatform fate was imminent.

I was willing to look much deeper into Andrew Tate than believing the 5 second clips, they keep playing that can easily be taken out of context.

As a marketer myself, I knew I could learn something from him, at the very least on marketing strategies. But as I looked deeper, I could see that he had a much bigger message that he was bringing forth.

Look, no one has perfect knowledge on every subject, but he is spot on, on many topics.

We live in an environment where truth is not celebrated. It's more important to be "socially woke" but this has led to most content creators watering their message down in fear of the cancel culture.

This has led to a new generation of young men that feel ill equipped for the real world because most advice given out today is not rooted in reality. It's not practical and it simply doesn't work.

It's based in propagating certain ideologies that have its own hidden agenda.

Andrew Tate's rapid virality is proof of large portions of our society are thirsty for someone that has the courage to rock the boat and speak their mind.

The oppressive forces of the Matrix is stronger than ever before. We need more men like Andrew Tate & Dan Klein that has the courage to stand up against these forces.

This is the greater battle that's being played out right now on this planet. Their message of resistance is much bigger than the few offensive clips they might have found about certain X group that most likely was taken out of context.

Remember they selectively choose certain clips from Andrew Tate mostly geared towards women because that's their easiest path for riling up the masses, but Andrew has talked mad crap about lazy men equally if not more.

Culture is a fluid construct that usually had checks and balances by the people. If there was an unpopular idea, it didn't take root because the collective members of that society didn't propagate it.

Today our culture is shifting & evolving in the digital world which is a brand-new phenomenon. In the early years of social media, we all went along with it but today many of us are starting to realize how dangerous it is to exist on these platforms where the culture can be dictated by the select few at the top.

Is it all an experiment? or was it all planned all along?

To escape the matrix, you must first become financially independent:

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