Waalaxy (ProspectIn 2.0), addresses our users' needs and all the feedback gathered for more than a year at ProspectIn. It's time to turn your prospecting into multichannel, LinkedIn and Email.
LinkedIn has reduced its thresholds to about 100 connection requests per week from about 100 connection requests per day. We have found a way around this limit.😉
Go and try it yourself: www.waalaxy.com
P.S. By downloading the tool, you will get access to a one-week trial period to test it.
This new Waalaxy is where the future of prospecting lies. 💫
Here are the most common questions that can help convince you to get on board our upgraded prospecting spaceship. finally, if you like to be kept up to date and want to be informed of other events like this, join our fb community!
Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw
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