he is just 18 and makes $15K a month!?!?!

Today, we're talking to Devesh, also known as DONVESH on Twitter. He is an Indian entrepreneur, 18 years old, built a lead generation agency from nothing, started making $10,000 to $15,000 a month, and now teaches other people how to do the same.

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I wanted to talk to him because, first of all, I'm getting really into Twitter and want to master Twitter, but that's the selfish reason. For you guys watching, the reason why I would listen to this is, if you're an Indian entrepreneur or an Indian wannabe entrepreneur and you're seeing your friends make a few hundred dollars an hour and you're wondering how they do it, DONVESH is the guy to show you how.

In this interview, we talk a lot about how people can break their barriers and start making more than they ever thought possible online, even if you're an Indian and you want to sell to Americans.

So stick around. I really liked this interview. There are a couple audio issues that we're going to try our best to edit around. Also, because of the internet connection, et cetera, it had to be audio-only for most of it. But if you can ignore those issues and listen, this is a great interview. So here we go. Here's my call with Donvesh.

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#Donvesh #IndianEntrepreneur #Email10k​


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