Google My Business Insights Explained | How To Use GMB insights

Google My Business Insights Explained | How To Use GMB insights

Insights data includes views, searches, and actions from both organic search results and Google Ads. Google Insights provides you different ways to understand how customers interact with your listing:

How customers find your listing

Search queries

Where customers find you on Google

Customer actions

Direction requests

Phone calls


What your business is known for

How customers find your Business Profile

This section of Insights shows how many customers found you and how they found you. Click or tap the chart on the dashboard to see the percentage of all customers that found you via each of these methods:

Direct searches: A customer directly searched for your business name or address.

Discovery searches: A customer searched for a category, product, or service that you offer, and your listing appeared.

Branded searches: A customer searched for your brand or a brand related to your business. This category will only appear if your listing has appeared at least once for a branded search.

Total searches: The total number of direct, discovery, and branded searches.

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