Review ❇️ Get Started for Free or grab the 🤫 Sercret Lifetime Deal Don't forget to subscribe for more lifetime deals, bonuses, discounts and launches Income Method: the Community: Video Ranking Software: Funnel Software: Music: What is
1:40 Marketplan Features
2:59 Pricing
4:00 Lifetime Deal
4:45 Dashboard
7:10 Tutorial
8:13 Lead Magnet Funnel
8:25 Sales Funnel Mapping
16:58 Online Course Funnel
17:15 Tracking Sales and adding in Payment Processors
If you are looking for a funnel mapping software that will allow you to piece together your marketing funnel with your team, then you'll want to watch this review video. Marketplan is a tool that allows you to quickly map out your marketing strategy, create projections, collaborate with your team, and share your plan with clients (using the white labeling feature).
Inside of, you can add in multiple traffic sources, add in various pages, add-in products, and email campaigns. Then once it's all set to go, set it live and add tracking pixels and webhooks inside of your pages and watch your marketing analytics come alive. The best part is, they use lossless tracking so you can skip all the bots and fake inputs, and get the real statistics your funnel is actually making.
I hope you enjoy this review, if you did make sure you hit that thumbs up button and don't forget to subscribe for more video reviews, bonuses, launches, and discounts #marketplanio #marketplanioreview #marketplaniodemo #marketplaniotutorial
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