5 Best Phrases to Close a Deal in 2021

Here are the 5 Best Phrases to Close a Deal in 2021.

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They're hopping on sales calls.

That's great.

You've got a lot of activity, a lot of calls, a lot of going back and forth.

People are responding to your emails, and yet you look at your bank account, and you see a big zero.

What's going on? Why aren't people buying?

Well, the answer might surprise you.

We recently hired a team to do our YouTube advertising. Now the buying process for this and how we bought YouTube advertising might make a video in itself, but the way that we looked at it, we knew we needed YouTube advertising.

We were ready to pay for YouTube advertising. We met with three or four different agencies to find one that was competent and that understood our project.

And then we paid for one.

Now, let's assume that three of the four would have done a great job with our YouTube ads.

So why did we go with one and not the other two? The answer is closing questions.

That one that we signed up with asked for the money.

That was the only difference.

They were a little bit more aggressive on the close, and they got the business now.

We can all learn from that, and in today's video, I want to give you five different closing questions that you can use to actually close more business.


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