Law Firm Lead Generation - How to develop new digital relationships

Law firm lead generation isn't only for lawyers! BD and marketing teams can and should be helping the firm find and generate leads. But how do we actually go about doing it?

We spoke with Priyanka Nadkarni to discuss how BD and marketing teams can help generate leads and develop new digital relationships in a digital-only world.

Priyanka is the Managing Director at Window Seat Consulting - WSC, a marketing and communications consultancy based in Singapore.

Discussion Content:

00:00 Introductions

02:27 How can law firms start doing online lead generation?

05:57 LinkedIn firm pages versus individual pages

08:20 How can BD teams support lawyers’ LinkedIn pages?

14:05 Effective lead generation strategies

18:18 Can/Should BD teams do lead generation?

20:00 Steps to take to develop leads for your firm

Join the BD Roundtable to listen to the Q&A topics:

- Investing money into social media advertising

- Employee advocacy as a marketing strategy

- Communication frequency

- Managing all of our digital touchpoints

- Top metric that you should track

- Sales and marketing training resources

Get in touch with Priyanka on her company’s website at:

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