YouTube Ads for Lead Generation 2020 | Introduction and Start Guide

YouTube Ads for Lead Generation 2020 | Introduction and Start Guide

Today video is all about Youtube Ads and why they're a great option for your Lead Generation Agency.

For those of you who don't know what these ads are (True view ads), I've sure you've been on YouTube before and you've been trying to watch a video and there's an ad, a video ad that pops up. And you can't skip it for the first five seconds.

It's kind of annoying but sometimes something could just strike and you'll be interested in it and you'll continue to watch it,, you might even click on the YouTube Ad.

This means you're engaging with this person or this brand that's advertising and you could potentially buy something from them or become a lead or whatever. And that's what I'm talking about here for us lead generators, okay? And if you're selling leads on a pay-per-lead basis, then YouTube ads are incredible and they're working great for us.

We are super excited to be able to share some of the stuff that we're doing and that we've learnt over the past year running YouTube Ads with you in this training.

Stay tuned because we will be releasing a whole series on this subject over the next month.


Watch my FREE Case Study and learn about the program here-👉 a Pay Per Lead Consultation Session with me or one of my team members to see if my course is a good fit. Book a call 👉 my free Pay Per Lead Ninjas Facebook Group: to the channel: THE CHANNEL: Welcome to Flexxable. My name is Dan Wardrope and I am a Pay Per Lead, Lead Generation Specialist. Over the last ten years I have trialed and tested many methods when It comes to lead generation. Through my years of struggles I have developed a lead generation technique that has helped me take my agency to the next level. Now, I have decided to create a YouTube channel to share my knowledge and teach others how to grow their own agency's using the Pay Per Lead model. I hope you enjoy and learn from my content.

When you are ready to take your skills to the next level, I sell an Advanced Pay Per Lead course that teaches you how to grow your business by 3, 4, or even 10x the amount!


We'll be doing a fairly in-depth series about YouTube ads and how they work over time, over the next few weeks or so.

Please do stay tuned. There's gonna be some great content. I'm sure you're gonna love it. If you wanna fast track that process and get in touch with us and join our program and start learning these YouTube ads straightaway, then please do click the link below this video and me or one of our team will speak to you soon.

CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED ME: Facebook: #leadgeneration #payperlead #digitalmarketing
