lead generation tutorial, how to generate leads online - free & paid leads

lead generation tutorial, how to generate leads online (free & paid leads). lead generation is the bane of most salespeople's existence, but it need not be with these 4 simple steps. lead generation is one of the trickiest parts of sales. no matter how good a salesperson is at closing deals, generating new sales leads can still be a huge challenge. that's why most salespeople end up avoiding lead generation altogether, making excuses to procrastinate for as long as they can.

but ignoring lead generation isn't the answer. in fact, you need a strong strategy for generating new sales leads if you want to crush your sales goals and build a successful career as a salesperson. there's just no way around it.

there are four powerful keys to generating more sales leads than you have ever had before. implement them now, and your lead generation strategy will immediately yield more opportunities for you to sell to qualified customers.

1. create an organized strategy the key word here is "organized." far too many salespeople lack an organized strategy for generating new leads. instead of randomly sending out prospecting emails and making sales phone calls at sporadic intervals, plan out a systematic, consistent strategy for lead generation.

the result of your efforts will be a sales prospecting campaign that you can easily repeat with every qualified prospect who comes your way. the best prospecting campaigns enable you to reach out to a prospect at least 15 times, from start to finish. be sure to type up or draw out the specific ways you intend to contact prospects as you search for new leads. then, stick to the plan. stay organized and never skip your strategy for any reason.

2. don't separate lead generation from delivery when you think of the delivery of your product or service, do you see it as part of your lead generation process? chances are, you don't. in sales, most people view delivery and lead generation at two completely separate tasks. this is one of the biggest lead generation mistakes that salespeople make.

3. always use multiple prospecting approaches when you're outlining your new sales prospecting campaign, keep this top of mind. you should never rely solely on just one prospecting approach when you're looking to generate leads.

4. set realistic goals for new leads unrealistic lead generation goals can be the kiss of death for even the most well-intentioned salespeople. while it's good to set high standards for yourself, setting your goals too high can result in feeling overwhelmed--and giving up. that's why it's much better to set realistic daily and weekly goals that you know you can reach.
