The TRUTH Behind My Lead Generation Process (How I Generate Millions in Revenue Every Year)

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Website: Messenger: This part of the strategy is something that's been able to generate, as part of the piece of it, to be able to generate $100 million every year for our clients.

2:00 There is so much noise and overwhelming information in a marketplace. Everyone's trying to get leads, and everyone's trying to sell the PDF, the e-book, the video series. I mean, think to yourself, how many times have you downloaded an e-book or opted in your e-mail, especially your e-mail inbox right? It's exploding with a ton of useless stuff that you don't pay attention to because you don't have the time. So how many e-books and video series, how many things have you downloaded that you have not checked out because you don't have the time and you're still getting e-mails from these people? That's what I want to help you avoid, and the first way to do that is you never show a cold ad to a cold audience to generate that lead.

2:30 You want to use videos, you want to use content to warm these people up and then, once you have that specific content, then we want to re-market to them with a soft, specific ask of saying we want to start that communication process. And there are three ways that we'll do this. You can do this through the, not the e-mail. E-mail is still an active channel, but it's so much noise there. You can do e-mail. The second way is messenger, especially on a Facebook platform. It doesn't matter what audience you're selling to, B2B, Facebook is still one of the most useful sources to be able to do this, and messenger is a new channel that you can use to be able to communicate with them, especially right now. The third thing is using texts.

4:15 Now, one of the ways that you can do this on Facebook, on Google, on YouTube, on LinkedIn, is showing an actual video that you created from your content portal. If you haven't seen how to be able to establish that content, I'll have some old link to the video here that you can watch that shows you our internal process of how we do videos

5:00 Focus on using the native platforms' lead generation capabilities. Now, that might sound confusing to you, but what I mean is, like for example, on Facebook, you want to be able to use Lead Ads, and you want to keep everything native to that platform and start the conversation there.

6:15 You want to make sure that your website has a lot of convenient places and the right messaging to be able to get people to opt-in and start that communication process with you.

6:45 The only three ways to grow your business online. Without those, you cannot develop a business successfully. That's why I focus on the website right away as soon as you land on the homepage. Then, I also have a footer banner that follows you when you scroll down. Then I have the three videos there, and then all at the same time, I also, you go on my blog posts, or you go on the expand post just like for this one, you're going to see I have a sidebar, I have a growth tool.

9:20 I want you to go to the full expanded post on the on Digital Marketing University where you can see this post layering out the actual step-by-step walkthrough of how you can implement this into your business to provide you clarity, certainty, and direction

10:00 The one the adds the most value is the one that wins at the end which is why I'm trying to create these videos because it adds value to you. Whether or not you buy from me or you become a client, or whatever it is, I don't have any other products, it doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is that, even if you don't, I'm still able to make an impact in your life as an entrepreneur or also if you're starting out. So thanks for watching this video and I'll see you in the next one.

Digital Marketing
