SEO lead generation techniques | Check-in #30

SEO lead generation techniques - here are a few ways I'm using in 2019 to generate new SEO leads

Top 3-5 Activities for Yesterday:

Get check in video created, uploaded and optimized DONE

Send 75 connection requests to ecommerce prospects on linkedin DONE

Two sales calls DONE

implementation DONE

Top 3-5 Activities for Today

Get check in video created, uploaded and optimized

Review Linkedin Automation platforms, sign up for a trial for both if possible

Run through my expenses

Start creating a spreadsheet to put a rough monetary value to each marketing channel

SEO Implementation

Come up with a strategy to improve product/service

My 30th check-in video for March 25th, 2019.

The idea of my check-in business vlog series is to document my progress, challenges, and successes when it comes to my SEO business.

Some links to learn more about things mentioned in the video:

SEOak, my SEO business: LinkedIn profile: SEO Reseller Plans page:
