Build an Automated Lead Generation Machine to Fill Your Sales Pipeline

If you are a sales leader (VP of sales, CSO, CRO) or a company founder, and want to drive more pipeline to your organization, we want to give you some free leads for your salespeople–a chance for you to kick the tires and get something of massive value. Just click this link to fill out your company's ideal prospect profile form: Lead Generation Step #1: Understand the math of exactly what you need to accomplish. It all starts with the math. Before you can build your automated lead generation machine, you need to figure out your actual sales goal — in dollars. Once you know your sales goal, you must then do the math to understand how many sales per month it will require.

Then, once you know how many actual sales you’ll need to make per month, figure out how many leads per month are required in order to actually hit that number of sales.

Automated Lead Generation Step #2: Target your ideal prospect.

Who exactly do you want to be talking to? Who do you want to be having those prospecting conversations with? And who do you ultimately want as your clients? Answering these questions is key to targeting your ideal prospect, which is the foundation of any successful automated lead generation campaign.

Automated Lead Generation Step #3: Personalize your outreach at scale. This step is all about creating the most personalized messages for your automated lead generation machine. Your personalized outreach will come to prospects through the form of a cold email or possibly a phone call, ad, or LinkedIn message.

Automated Lead Generation Step #4: Mine the data.

Any automated lead generation campaign will succeed or fail based on the quality of the data. If you just go to a company and buy a lead list, for example, you can’t take that data and drop it right into emails as is — if you do, it’s going to be really clunky.

Automated Lead Generation Step #5: Lay out the prospecting campaign.

This is where we start to build a truly consistent prospecting approach as the centerpiece of our automated lead generation machine. It’s important to understand all of the steps up front. For most salespeople, prospecting outreach is pretty inconsistent and haphazard. This is a no-go for automated lead generation.

Automated Lead Generation Step #6: Implement the process.

The meat and potatoes of your automated lead generation machine is implementation. This is what organizations hire my agency to do: implement the whole process. But even if you don’t have a lot of resources, you can still implement automated lead generation campaigns yourself.  It just takes a lot of time and effort, and there will be some trial and error along the way.

Automated Lead Generation Step #7: Test, refine, and repeat.

This is huge. Many organizations miss the boat on automated lead generation simply because they don’t test, refine, and repeat. We want to split-test every single thing we’re sending out. On any campaign we’re doing, we test every email with different variations and determine what works. In this way, we’re letting the data tell us what is most effective.

So, there you have it. Now you know the 7 steps to building an automated lead generation machine to fill your sales pipeline. If you’re a sales leader or company founder and this is a process you’d like us to set up for you, we’d love to send you some free leads to show you exactly how we work. Think of it as a way to test drive us and really kick the tires. (Plus, you get some free leads for your salespeople to go make calls on.) Just click the link below to fill out the ideal prospect profile form, and our team will get working.
