Lead generation and marketing is the best way to attract prospective clients to your practice. The next, and most profitable, step is to convert those prospects into invested clients through lead conversion and sales. To produce a substantial return on your marketing dollars, you must be able to consistently convert your marketing leads into happy, paying clients.
Top attorneys understand that marketing is what gets the phone to ring, but sales and conversion skills get people to retain them. All the lead generation and marketing in the world won’t matter if you are unable to convert prospects into paying clients.
The method in which lead conversion is utilized today simply isn’t working well enough for many attorneys. Too much effort is being put in for too few results. Too much money is being spent on the wrong end of the problem. You don’t have a marketing problem, you have a conversion problem.
It is far less expensive to learn how to become more successful at converting the leads that you already have than it is to waste money purchasing more of them.
Converting prospects into paying clients requires processes and systems. Before you can serve clients, you must get them to hire you, and this starts with a fully–functioning lead conversion system and closing process.
If you feel like your lead conversion process is not working as well as you would like it to and you wish to see a significant return on your marketing dollars, call or e–mail me to schedule a complimentary practice evaluation.
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