How To Be Successful in 2018 - Travis Robertson

What are your 2018 goals? Too many people have a business that runs their life, not one that funds their life, because they set goals for the sake of setting goals and not because they know where they’re actually going with them.

To break out of the cycle and become successful, there are 2 things that you need to know: what you want and why you want it.

Your goal should excite you and scare you. If it doesn’t get your blood pumping, then you’ve probably got the wrong goal. If your goal looks a bit intimidating and you’re scared you might not hit it, you’re likely closer to the right goal because your goal should stretch you outside of your comfort zone.

You then need to find your WHY - your motivation that’s going to get you to actually accomplish your goal. Your WHY needs to be compelling enough to get you out of bed when things get difficult - not IF things get difficult, WHEN they get difficult.

If you need help turning your business around into one that funds your life (and not run your life), my team and I would love to help you become the leader your team needs you to be. We’ll guide you through using systems and tools that you need to level up your business - claim your free coaching session today @

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About Travis Robertson:

Travis Robertson is CEO and Founder of Robertson Coaching International, one of the fastest growing coaching and training companies in North America. Travis has trained tens of thousands of business professionals across the globe on high-performance marketing, business development and team building, and is recognized as one of the leading experts on recruiting and retention strategies for this new era of business.

Meet Travis at



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