How to Easily Create a Lead Generation Landing Page Using Thrive Architect

How to Easily Create a Lead Generation Landing Page Using Thrive Architect. For a little over $100 you can easily create a lead generation landing page using Thrive Themes Thrive Architect, ActiveCampaign, and Namecheap. When you use the right WordPress landing page plugin things don't have to be difficult.

Get access to Thrive Architect here: can try out ActiveCampaign for free here: haven't purchased your domain name or hosting? Namecheap is where I go to for both: Themes Thrive Architect comes with plenty of lead generation landing page templates via Thrive Landing Pages. Don't reinvent the wheel! Take the work they have already done and make it your own.

Want 15 lead generation ideas for your WordPress website? Check out my 3 part video series here: if you're more of a reader then visit the blog post here: sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos like this:
