Join us on Facebook: Travis: of this video: the final part in this series, Travis Robertson covers outcome pain, or the “fear of success”. It’s the fear of the grass not being greener once you get to the other side. See, many people are willing to put in the effort and hard work to achieve success, but they are afraid of what that success entails. However, if you use ‘stick strategies’ to maintain your new habits, systems and processes, your chances of relapsing will instantly decrease. Focus not only on the effort of getting to where you want to go, but building the strategies that are going to allow you to maintain it!
About Travis Robertson:
Travis Robertson is CEO and Founder of Robertson Coaching International, one of the fastest growing real estate coaching and training companies in North America. Travis has trained tens of thousands of real estate professionals across the globe on high-performance marketing, business development and team building, and is recognized as one of the leading experts on recruiting and retention strategies for this new era of real estate.
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