Getting Customers to Buy Online: A New Approach

Getting customers to buy online from you will be easier when you STOP doing what "the experts' say and start creating confidence in prospects. Learn how here or check out Jeff's tips here.

Getting customers to buy online. It's happening for me, for others and it will for you too. And you know what works? For me it started with realizing, you know what? Engaging customers isn't the goal. Instead, engagement is the BEGINNING. It's an open door to get customers to RESPOND to you.. to enter into a journey with you... a series of exchanges that guides them toward, or away from, what you're selling.

Most marketers and sellers using social media think of customer ENGAGEMENT as a goal. The finish line. But businesses getting customers to buy online know that successfully engaging with customers is an OPPORTUNITY to create RESPONSE from them.

Actually getting customers to buy online or on social media means being thought PROVOKER--not just a thought leader. You've got to get customers to DO something--to begin a journey toward converting to a lead. Think of it this way: Are you giving customers a REASON to talk to you on LinkedIn?

Are your blogs so bold they provoke readers to call or email you or sign-up for an offer?/Is whatever you're doing on social media provoking customers to contact you--so your sales team can help them more clearly understand the thought you just provoked?

You see, if you've got honestly new knowledge or a new product that can benefit customers in exciting, why would you just float your thoughts out there and hope to be dubbed a leader.. when you can GIVE customers a reason to act on the impulse your thoughts can create. This way you get prospects to take action on doing something the need and want to do.. AND create a lead for yourself.

You can engage customers and HOPE that focused conversation gets going or you can cause it directly. It all starts with realizing engagement is NOT the goal. Think of it as the first step to creating RESPONSE. If you do you'll start making social media sell for you more often and have an easier time getting customers to buy online.

Learn how here
