Worlds Best Loan Officer Marketing Ideas & System For Mortgage Leads

Schedule a call here Where do your referrals come from? We actually generate them using the same sources most businesses get their clients and We use a combination of different marketing sources (Google, Facebook, etc) and find people looking for your help and simply send them to you. The secret sauce is how we convert them

2) How many referrals can I expect? This really depends on how big an area you service. Some of our clients get 5-10 referrals a week, some get 5-10 referrals a day. Obviously, the bigger the area you service the more opportunity for referrals.

3) How much does your service cost? First, it is important for you to understand our service is an investment. To clarify, that doesn't mean it's expensive by any means! Our goal is to operate like any other investment you make in your achieve a positive Return On Investment (ROI).

For every $1 you give us we plan to give you a minimum $2 back. Although, it usually ends up being at least $5 to $10 back for every $1 you spend with us. To answer the original question, our service pricing really depends on how big of an area you want to handle and the volume of referrals you are looking for. However, no matter what, we always start with a small trial so you can test out the referrals and how it all works for essentially no-risk.

4) How long does it take before I get my first referral? You'll typically get your first referral within 48-72 hours of starting.

5) Do you guarantee your service? Yes and no. We absolutely 100% guarantee you will get referrals. No questions asked. However, we do not guarantee you will close 'X%' of them. Here's why... We don't know how your process works.

We can't control anything that happens once we give you the referral. We can absolutely help you ensure you have a good process in place to followup, and even provide some tips to improve your chances to close based on what our most successful clients are doing.

A quick tip...our most successful clients followup with the referrals we send them within 30 minutes...1 hour tops via a phone call. We can help automate this process as well, and sometimes can have appointments booked before you even pick up the phone..being automated text and emails are incorporated.

Ok, that covers our most frequently asked questions. We'll obviously be able to answer any other questions you have when we talk! Look forward to speaking with you..
