Lead Generation Techniques & Data Visualisation Tools - Growth Insights #5

Welcome back to Growth Insights!

In this latest episode (number 5 already?!) we’ll be sharing Lead Generation Techniques & Data Visualisation Tools - Growth Insights #5.

The Growth Insights series is our jam-packed, fast-paced video format in which we’ll introduce you to the growth tools, techniques and hacks our team has come across over the past few weeks.

All under 7 minutes on a tri-weekly basis.

This particular episode focuses on Lead Generation Techniques & Data Visualisation Tools.

If you come across a tool, website or article mentioned in the video that you want to look into further, check out the links below!

0:16 - Dux Soup - Grouply - Revealbot - Instanobel - Data Gif Maker - Free open Slack channels a plenty! - Chatviz - Statista’s Referral graph - Chart: How much time adults spend online - Ecommerce benchmarks analysis - Add this to the end of a competitor’s shopify store URL to see their top selling products: /collections/all?sort_by=best-selling&page=1

3:41 - Referral traffic: search vs browse - Create a brand identity in 60 seconds with & - How important is retention? Read: - Data visualisation tool

5:40 - Andy Carvell’s push notifications quadrant - Sign up for our first beta AI course here: grow.ac/aicourse

6:34 - Don’t forget to subscribe! this episode of our Growth Insights series we also cover:

- lead generation automation

- Facebook ad automation

- AdWords automation

- instagram automation tool

- Instanobel

- data gifmaker

- public slack groups

- community visualisation

- referral traffic trends

- E commerce benchmarks

- competitor analysis hacks

- how to create a brand identity in 60 sec

- brand identity tools

- data visualisation

- push notifications framework


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London Bound?

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Facebook: URL: watch: "Data Dashboard & Social Listening Tool - Growth Insights #6"
