Learn 2 LinkedIn sales strategies that will help you start getting clients today:
Use linkedIn's advance search features to easily find other professionals who share a target market similar or the same to yours, but do not offer the same or a similar services you provide. For example if you offer payroll software for small businesses and your partner may invoicing software for small businesses or vice verse. You both would relatives have the same audience and would be able to capitalize off each other network. Once you connect with them, consider building a relationship with them to generate referrals. Since you both have the same audience but different product you both can create a product bundle or referral system to refer each other product occasional to each company's customers. This method allows you to use your partner customer network and for them to use your network to generate more money off the same audience. This is called called digital business development which has work very well for me on LinkedIn in the past.
Another awesome LinkedIn strategy is prospecting. If you know your audience and you are in the b2b industry you can also use LinkedIn advance search features to locate business opportunities and prospect by searching for the business and people with the roles who are most likely to use your digital product and have the power to make the purchase decisions. This method work good if you are in beta and want to acquire your first 100 users at a low cost and get people familiar with your brand and product. But this is not a scalable method and the amount of time and resources you put in this channel will determine how much you get out of this Channel.
When it comes to LinkedIn remember that even if you have one of the paid versions you are still locked in at 15 in-mail messages that you can send out so you are going to need to connect with majority of your prospect before you are allowed to message them. You will need to tailor you invite message to them with out being to sales focus, start with them and focus on why they should connect with you. If you find your self saying "I" or "our" a lot then you are doing something wrong. People are more interested in what you can do to benefit them than what they can do to benefit you. Build a real relationship with them first before you try to sale them or ask them to do anything this usually leads to the best results.
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About Me:
An Entrepreneur, Online Marketer, Indie game developer and a software developer. I love tech and startups. My main focus is creating great selling products.
Please watch: "7 Online Business You can start in 2017 - Online Business Ideas"
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